Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Business Plan Template

Executive Summary
Summary of all the key points of your business plan – This section should be done last. This should not exceed 2 pages.

Business Description
Provide an overview about your business, idea or concept etc.

Value Proposition
What is the USP of your idea/concept/ service/ etc (i.e. makes it better than anything else). This should not be price, as you will have difficulties defending this.

Industry Analysis
What are the dynamics of the industry ? What is the trend? What are the customers demographics- age, location, education, income, sex, preferences etc. The more detail you have the better your chances of success.

Who are the competitors? How much market share do they  capture? Are there any other
companies, parties, etc that could be competitors.
Even if there are no “direct” competitors, there will ALWAYS be some that are close.

Marketing Strategies
How will you get your product into the marketplace? Think of non-conventional (viral
marketing) methods that are cheaper than traditional (TV, radio, print) and have a higher
impact like online advestising, Social media marketing to create a customer base and apread awareness.

Barriers to Entry
What are the barriers to entry? Whether your industry has High or Low barrier to entry ? Regulations, monopoly or lobbies if any. Also how will you setup your own barriers to entry for other potential entrants into the marketplace?

Distribution Channel
How will you get your product / service to the intended market?

Team Summary
Often this can be the most important part of your business plan as investors want to see
who else believes in the idea and the experience of your team in the various areas
(technical, business, commercialisation, etc.)
SWOT Analysis
Strengths, Opportunities,Weaknesses,Threats
This section deals with the conditions in which your product /service operates. Strengths
and weaknesses are internal (team, company, product), whereas opportunities and threats
are external (market place, trends, etc)

Financial Analysis
Insert all the financial aspects about your product in here. Cash flow, income statements,
balance sheet, as well as start-up income required. This is arguably the most important
part of your business plan, spend plenty of time on this and be able to justify any

Critical Success Factors
What needs to be achieved that will enhance chances of success? Also insert the
possibility of these things happening

Exit Strategies
How will you (or any investors) exit out of this project (if you want to) and make
excellent return or to move onto your next “big idea”?

Future Developments
What are the future plans for your product / service (if any)?

Include any additional information here that may not fit into the sections above (quotes,
recommendations, statistics, etc)


1 comment:

  1. please upload a sample business plan for better understanding
