Friday, 17 February 2012

What is 5S Audit ? How should I do that?

After posting a small query about 5S audit, we found had several folks emailing us and ask about  5S Audit and a specific office audit. Just thought of sharing the views to explain.. 
The first S of the 5s is Sort.
There may be multiple people in your office using the same set of files. Do some folks save a version of the file on his or her computer, a network folder, maybe a personal computer, and a back-up flash drive?  How many versions of the same file does that create?!
Sort through the files you and your team don’t need.  DELETE the ones you definitively do not need.  ZIP or ARCHIVE the ones you’ll probably never need but are too scared to delete.  Separate them from the files you need to use.
Most importantly, use that recycle bin!  It’s a perfect place to implement the idea of a “red tag” holding area.
The 2nd S is Straighten
How do you currently access your files and how do you currently name your files?  Are you searching by name? Date? What files do you use most often?
Normally, since school days, we sort our coaching notes first by chapter which has been replaced by client, then by date, because that is the way we are searching.  We don’t mind the multiple folders to click through to find some files because we don’t access them as much as we would access standard coaching/training topics.  However, if you’re using files more often (e.g. daily) put them a click or two away!
The 3rd S is Shine
How are you naming your files?  Does everyone in your office have a different way to name essentially the same kind of file?
Keep file names tidy and consistent.  If they aren’t a click or two away – you should be able to search (e.g. spotlight) and find them quickly.
The 4th S is Standardize
 Create standards for naming files and placing files.   Create standards for updating and saving files.  For example, we have a standard training package on Workplace Organization – if a colleague of mine finds an improvement with the standard training package s/he must make the update, negotiate it with our team, and THEN update the standard training package.
The last S is Sustain
Just like 5S on the manufacturing or hospital floor – successful 5S should have an end-of-shift restoration and a weekly team leader audit.  Remember – this is to help make problems visible so you and your team can solve them.

Sustaining 5S in the Office


Some Office 5S checklist activities:
1. Clear desktop of all files (file approporiately)
2. Clear email inbox
3. Close all running programs
4. Restart computer
A weekly 5S Office Audit items may include the following:
1. There are no files on Computer #1’s desktop
2. There are no files on Computer #2’s desktop
3. There are no files on Computer #3’s desktop
4. The “Coaching” folder matches the standard posted in the folder
5. The “Training Topics” folder matches the standard posted in the folder
If you would like further or more specific information on 5S in the office please email us.

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